Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I have never written a blog before and to be perfectly honest I still don't really understand what a blog is. Although, from what I've been told, it's kind of like an online journal which I am willingly allowing everyone in the entire world to read. Figuratively speaking, I am forgetting my diary in cyber spaces' bathroom stall and whoever happens to stumble upon it may have their way with it. Yes? Well, as creepy as that is, the content of this blog revolves around one man. The enigma himself, Mr Frank Zappa, and the many topics that may surface when exploring such an interesting individual. From his social-criticisms to his endeavors as an entrepreneur, I will be attempting to cover it all. I am a relatively new acquaintance of Frank's but am looking forward to getting a little more familiar with this controversial man.
That's all for now folks, 

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